The Philippine Consulate General hosted on Sunday, 28 January 2018, an English news writing seminar for qualified teachers now working as household service workers (HSWs) in Hong Kong.

The seminar was organized by The Sun Hong Kong, a Filipino community weekly, for some 30 members of the local chapter of the National Organization of Professional Teachers, Inc (NOPTI) at the new training rooms of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) Hong Kong located on Lockhart Road in Wan Chai district.

“You should never waver in challenging conventions and never take things for granted,” said Deputy Consul General Roderico C. Atienza in his keynote remarks at the four-hour seminar. The opening speech was given by The Sun editor Daisy Catherine L. Mandap, while publisher Leo A. Deocadiz gave a talk on his journalistic experiences.

Ms Mandap said the NOPTI-HK members, some of whom were contributors to the Sun, were interested in broadening their professional options in preparation for the possibility of one day returning to the Philippines and seeking improved opportunities not only for teaching but also for working for either online or print journalism.

Putting out its first issue in December 1995, The Sun is one of two prominent weekly newspapers, together with Hong Kong News, targeting the Filipino community in Hong Kong. 

Philippine Deputy Consul General Roderico C. Atienza poses with (from the left) National Organization of Professional Teachers, Inc (NOPTI) HK President Gemma A Lauraya, The Sun edditor Daisy Catherine L. Mandap, and The Sun publisher Leo A. Deocadiz at the new training rooms of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) Hong Kong located on Lockhart Road in Wan Chai district on Sunday, 28 January 2018. (Photo credit: Daisy Mandap, The Sun HK)
Philippine Deputy Consul General Roderico C. Atienza delivers the keynote message at an English news writing seminar for qualified teachers organized by The Sun, a Filipino community news weekly, and the Hong Kong chapter of the National Organization of Professional Teachers, Inc (NOPTI) at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) Hong Kong located on Lockhart Road in Wan Chai district on Sunday, 28 January 2018. (Photo credit: Daisy Mandap, The Sun HK)