Consul General Antonio A. Morales visited the office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Sha Tin District in the New Territories to discuss possible partnerships in the field of culture and arts for the Filipino, expatriate and local communities in Hong Kong.

Consul General Morales and LCSD Director Ms Michelle Li discussed various past and ongoing joint projects, including the annually recurring Concert in the Park, which regularly held in November or December at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza, in cooperation with the Hong Kong Musicians Union.

The LCSD, which aims to “provide quality leisure and cultural services commensurate with Hong Kong's development as a world-class city and events capital”, operates and manages all of Hong Kong’s over 630 cultural, leisure and sports facilities and venues, including parks, libraries, museums, performance arts centers, beaches and pools.

Consul General Antonio A. Morales (center) visits the office of Hong Kong’s Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), headed by Director Ms Michelle Li (2nd from right), in Sha Tin District in the New Territories to discuss possible partnerships in the field of culture and arts for the Filipino, expatriate and local communities in Hong Kong.